
Indiana Eye Clinic now offers iStent to combat glaucoma

Indiana Eye Clinic is now performing iStent® implantation during cataract surgery, an innovative new technique that can reduce the effects of glaucoma and lower the chance of progression. iStent is a tiny medical implant that can help restore the eye’s natural fluid outflow and reduce pressure inside the eye. Intraocular pressure (IOP) is one of. . .Read More

Celebrities have eye problems, too

Lots of people deal with chronic eye and vision problems — including the rich and famous. For instance, John Goodman took time off from his busy film career a few years ago to have his cataracts removed. Though he had just turned 60, his vision had deteriorated enough to make daily life a challenge. Goodman. . .Read More

New Tools in the Fight Against Glaucoma

By Dr. Nicholas R. Rader Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, behind cataracts. It is sometimes called the “silent thief” of vision because in its most common form — the one that affects 90% of glaucoma patients — there may be no symptoms until very late in the disease. By that time,. . .Read More