Dry Eyes: Symptoms and Causes

Dry eyes are a common problem for many patients. Dry eyes can cause irritation, redness, excessive tearing, burning, and blurriness. If left untreated, severe dry eyes may cause damage to the cornea, which is the clear front surface of the eye.

Tears Have Three Layers: 

  1. An inner mucus layer keeps the whole tear fastened to the eye.
  2. A watery middle layer, that keeps the eye hydrated, repels bacteria and protects the cornea.
  3. An outer oily layer to keep the surface of the tear smooth for the eye to see through, and to prevent the other layers from evaporating.

Dryness can be caused by many reasons. Age, contact lenses, hormonal changes, and certain medications or medical diseases may also lead to dryness. Many patients with dryness will complain of a “watery eye” as reflex tearing can overproduce to compensate for a deficient mucus or oily layer. Indiana Eye Clinic offers tear osmolarity testing to check for these deficient layers of tear film.

Initial treatment for dry eyes is often artificial tears. There are a variety of brands available over the counter. Patients can try different brands to seek relief. If artificial drops are used several times a day, Indiana Eye Clinic professionals recommend preservative-free products. It’s most beneficial to use these products late afternoon and evening hours, or when dryness symptoms are worse.

For the more severe cases of dry eye, we may recommend plugs placed in the outflow drains at the corners of each eye. These can be either dissolvable plugs or permanent plugs. By temporarily plugging the tiny outflow drains, your own natural tears are prevented from leaving the eye. Natural tears are the best for soothing your eye. The plugs tend to dissolve within three to seven days. If during that time you feel your eyes are more comfortable, we may recommend permanent closure of these tiny drains. This procedure can be performed as an outpatient and has benefited many of our past patients who suffered from dry eyes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the Indiana Eye Clinic offers a specialty dry eye clinic with Dr. Thomas Funk. Please call us at 317-881-3937 if you’re interested in getting help.