Eyelid Procedures

Safe and effective surgical procedures.

The eyes are often considered one of the most striking and prominent features on a person. Even the slightest change to the eyes can dramatically change the way you look.


Learn more about Blepharitis

The Indiana Eye Clinic offers numerous eyelid surgeries, covering a wide range of conditions, including: skin tags — benign growths caused by skin friction; chalazion — a lump inside the tear gland; lid lesions — bumps along the edge of the eyelid; entropion —inward turning of the eyelids; ectropion — outward sagging of the lower eyelids; and styes — inflamed swelling on the edge of an eyelid.

I love IEC! Friendly and knowledgeable staff, and the technicians are highly skilled and very thorough. All of the doctors are great and caring.
— Kate

Conditions We Treat